Hi Friends,
You do know what "the look" is right? The expression refers to the look you give someone when you're flirting with them. You know what I mean...you tilt your head to the side and give the person you're interested in a sideways glance. It doesn't hurt to give them that shy almost bashful smile. Guys eat that up because they love shy women. They don't want you to be insecure or without confidence. But they don't want pushy women either. So you show them that soft, vunerable, "can you help me?" side.
The Extreme Style by VO5 is sponsoring the Ultimate Flirting Championship. If you think you have killer flirting skills, click on the widget below and enter yourself in the contest. You can even take a copy of my widget to put on your blog, my space page or wherever your friends visit. That way you can get your friends to enter without having them visit my blog. Hey I would love the visit but if it's better for you to have them go to your site, knock yourself out.
Why not invite your friends to a Ultimate Flirting Championship pose-off. You can all enter and see who has the best pose. Show off your best Victory Hair between your friends. Then you can see who has bragging rights and who really knows how to give "The Look".
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