Ultimate Ice Cream Experience

Hi Friends,


This post is especially for people between age 13 and 19. Others please encourage your kids to read this post. There is a wonderful opportunity for your kids between age 13 and 19. imixamerica is conducting a talent contest where you have to enter the contest by registering through imixamerica website. The registers who enroll your name by any other means will not be accepted. You are selected by judges and its final. The rules and regulations of the contest goes here.

Once you have registered you are qualified for Awesome Cold Stone Contest. Here you are asked to come up with new recipes for preparing ice creams. The main thing is you have to create your own Signature Creation Ice Cream using the ingredients found at Cold Stone Creamery. By doing this you not only prepare yourself for the contest but also you can taste your creation. So duel purpose right?. So friends don't think of entering just click the link and provide your information honestly. Then you have to submit your recipe and choose a name for it. You will be selected on voting basis. So choose an attractive name and get most of the votes. For the winners they will pay $30,000 + other prizes. You also have the chance of winning $30,000 + in prizes!. Register your name soon!

Sponsored by Cold Stone Creamery